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Rolling Road day at PDT Sunderland 2/2/2013
--- Quote from: Neil R on February 06, 2013, 10:32:00 pm ---Hey dmac didn't realise you wer on this forum!! Recognised your car from pictures at the rolling road at Sunderland. Often give you a wave when passing through Berwick!! :driver:
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Aye I see you often , Nice Edition 30 you have there btw. I didnt know you were on here either!! :happy2: Thers quite a few Mk5 GTIs in Berwick , and a couple of Mk6s , I get no looks whatsoever off any of them apart from yourself though , so I take it they are just used as 'normal' cars and arent owned by enthusiasts.
Neil R:
Thanks buddy. Yea like your CW GTI,also liked the 05 plate TR GTI you had. Yea there is some nice GTI's going around Berwick at th minute.
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