After getting the boot pop coded a week ago i finally got around to installing the parts today.
Got one problem though, the rubber buffers dont appear to be popping out enough ?
If i park on a flat surface it just about pops enough to completelly open the boot, if on slight up facing hill it works great !!!
I watched ecs tunings video on install and the only thing that came to my attention is when he installed the rubber buffers and it stated that you turn the allen key anti clockwise until it stops ! ( mine didnt stop and just turned forever )
then you push the buffer in before turning the allen key clockwise until again it stops ! ( again mine didnt stop just got tighter but would keep turning indefinatelly if i try to ) !!!
so i thought that was it done and it pushes in and out very well, no way of telling if it was at its maximum compression setting though,
I am assuming that due to my problem the buffers just arent strong enough, or big enough and it just needs a slightly bigger pop before the boot takes over and flings it open.
After it does pop i just need to pull the boot an inch or so then it flies open so the other parts appear to be doing their job.
I got the kit from rainsworth skoda and it came as the complete kit of which they have sold loads off, the part number for the buffers is z1k8827761d,
would appreciate if anyone had any advice on this or know if maybe they have sent me the part for a lighter tail gate or something
many thanks