Ian I feel for you. :( Hopefully the below will help, and I know it won't be a easy ride til court - it is stomach turning. There are some rediculous speed limits about and this sounds like one - certainly loads where I am.
76 mph is where the limit changes from FPN to summons (although the option for summons is offered below 76 but it's upto the police), and police do have discretion to up/down this limit. Obviously depends on the cops unfortunately - for example one of my mates got a 3 pointer ticket for doing 60 in 30 mph zone at 02:00. Of no consolation I know though.
Pleading guilty at the earliest oppertunity will generally get you a discount on the fine which is based on weekly income however if you don't fill in the income page it is assumed to be £100. If you want to go guilty you don't actually need to go to court, but being present and saying sorry can help with the penalties and mitigation is certainly taken into consideration - certainly if you go in and say about work etc, you may be able to get fewer points for a larger fine, but totally upto the magistrate.
Did they laser you? Follow check or literally just callibrated speedo?? Just curious more than anything.

Check this - it's the Magistrates sentencing guidelines and what the court will work off - speeding is page 131:
http://www.northants.police.uk/files/linked/WCU/Magistrate%20Sentencing%20Guidelines.pdfThe guidance for the speed is 5-6 points OR 7-56 disqualification. You won't be disqualified that's 99.9999999% sure as you're literally just over the threshold and the fact you plan to go guilty. 79 mph means it will be a Band B fine so the least it will be will be eqv to 75% of your weekly income. This can range upto 125% of your weekly income.
Did you get a verbal NIP aka "I'm reporting you for the consideration of prosecuting you for the offence of excess speed blah blah blah". If so, that's all that's needed. Saying that it can sometimes be a warning, but it's 6 months for a prosecution to occur. There is no need to interview you/take a statement from you. Anything you saw could be noted by the cops and go in their statement but upto them. The only time you'd be interviewed in the car was when they wanted to confirm stuff like "Are you aware of the speed limit" etc etc. Makes their more water tight in some circumstances, but not needed. Let me know if I can help you any more. :(
I got done a couple of years back for doing 96 in a 70 and was given 5 points and £230 fine. Might be ball park for you mate. Like you, I just took it on the chin. Got caught in a "drag" with a car that wouldn't let me overtake legitimately on a dual carriageway (70mph).
The policeman who stopped me was very understanding as I was completely at fault and held my hands up. He said I was 2mph from being given 3 points and £60.
Didn't attend court as pleaded guilty via post. Don't know if that makes a difference however.
That' crazy. Anything upto 99 is a ticket where I am!