The process is:
Reported at scene --> Summons paperwork or CPS letter of discontinuation --> Go to court.
Nothing else unfortunately. You were reported and now the next stage is receiving a summons with time/date. If you plead NG you will get another letter (actually more like a package) with all the evidence (statements etc), but should you guilty, you get nothing and merely wait for sentencing.
It's a crap system, and where minor offences are dealt with on a par with serious crime (ie: minor offences should be dealt with quickly as they take less time to deal with). The wheels of justice grind very slowly. Saying that, it is a mixed bag. You could get a summons next week with an hearing two weeks later. It's a waiting game unfortunately.
I've been through it before and got summonsed on the 5 month mark. It was the worst five months of my life. Went to court and case was dismissed as no evidence was produced. It is really hard and your stomach turns, but somehow you gotta try and get on - although it's really realy hard. I really feel for you and I know what i've said doesn't make it better at all