On the way to go pick up the brand new second hand car this morning and lo and behold come around a blind corner into this mahoosive pothole. Thought I had got away with it, but nope, I could feel the car squirming around and new I was in trouble. Stopped thinking I had a flat and could change it over to discover both tyres on the right hand side are trashed. Rims amazingly seem fine, the strength of OEM rims I guess.
What a mission trying to get someone to pick me up to get some new rubber on the rims. On top of it all, the stupid jack VW supply slipped on me damaging the bottom section of the car where the protective stonechip paint is. Managed to get sorted in the end, but missed an important meeting in Putney I was supposed to attend before picking the other car up.
Anybody else had this? I can't believe this has happened to me again. Last time was a few years ago in the wife's Fiesta, but that trashed the alloy too. Big question is, where the hell is all my council tax money that is supposed to pay for the repairs????