When I bought my car, the previous owner had the wheels refurbed ready for sale. They are in anthracite grey and they look excellent, much better than the standard look.
Any pics?
Sure! Fresh off the camera this morning

Suit the red really well

The diamond cut look is nice, but yes it will always find it's way back, although regular care will help to delay it. I was unsure about getting mine powdercoated, but I'm so glad I did! If anything I think they look better now than when they were diamond cut. I got mine finished in a custom 'Smoked Chrome' and I love it. Changes colour depending on the light and angle you view them. Plus they are unique, no-one will have exactly the same colour finish 
These look great
as soon as I see the word chrome it conjurs up images of nastiness in my mind but these do look ace!
Thanks. Haha I know what you mean, I was worried they might be too bling myself. But they aren't like real chrome or anything, they are actually quite dark looking most of the time.
The diamond cut look is nice, but yes it will always find it's way back, although regular care will help to delay it. I was unsure about getting mine powdercoated, but I'm so glad I did! If anything I think they look better now than when they were diamond cut. I got mine finished in a custom 'Smoked Chrome' and I love it. Changes colour depending on the light and angle you view them. Plus they are unique, no-one will have exactly the same colour finish 

Very very nice! Do you have any pictures of the whole car with this wheel finish?
Cheers! Yep, here you go

It is hard to do them justice in photos though.


Like these a lot, the more pics i'm seeing the more I am swaying away from the diamond cut and getting them powder coated/painted instead, coupled with the liklihood that they will look good for a lot longer.
+1 for the two-tone smoked chrome. I went down that route and they're still looking immaculate.
Do you have pics on your car? Mine is the same colour as yours so it could well be the decider