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Author Topic: Customer Service, Relationships, and Expectations....  (Read 15232 times)

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Re: Customer Service, Relationships, and Expectations....
« Reply #15 on: July 13, 2009, 11:39:31 pm »
i always got taught when i was 17 years old,that its the customer who pays your wages-treat them like you would like to be treated.This has stuck with me all the time...sorry if i have gone of topic

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Re: Customer Service, Relationships, and Expectations....
« Reply #16 on: July 13, 2009, 11:39:59 pm »
a thread like this is never going to be pretty  :ashamed:

I disagree.

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Re: Customer Service, Relationships, and Expectations....
« Reply #17 on: July 13, 2009, 11:42:22 pm »
oof, kelly...right at the top of my list that girl  :love:

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Re: Customer Service, Relationships, and Expectations....
« Reply #18 on: July 13, 2009, 11:44:13 pm »
If I recall correctly Robin , you ran your own company, worked very long hours and enjoyed limited leisure time prior to retiring.
I am assuming you have more leisure time now so have you found your tollerance / expectation of service different to perhaps when you were working under pressure and very busy? I'm just wondering if this has a significant impact on expectations?

 :surprised: I can't believe some people's posts on this thread, some very harsh. I lurk quit a bit on this forum but as I don't mod (oem freak  :grin:), I have less to contribute on some posts than many of you guys probably do. Why are people assuming that Robin is on some kind of a personal mission for starting a new thread for this? Surely it's something which affects us all most of the time. Nowhere in this thread has Robin tried to defend any company, instead suggesting the issue of service is debated.

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Re: Customer Service, Relationships, and Expectations....
« Reply #19 on: July 14, 2009, 12:05:05 am »
To be fare the thread is not about a customer satisfaction survey its about Robin. He cleverly dresses it up that way, but the bottom line is he simply cant bare to see a bad word said about Milltek or VWR. Which is fine its his prerogative. what we are trying to get across is by doing this every time he actually makes trivial situations worse.
This whole thread is just a facade to try and detract from his compulsion to interfere when you mention them.  :love:

Edit im off to bed.  :drinking:

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Re: Customer Service, Relationships, and Expectations....
« Reply #20 on: July 14, 2009, 12:18:35 am »

If I recall correctly Robin , you ran your own company, worked very long hours and enjoyed limited leisure time prior to retiring.

I am assuming you have more leisure time now so have you found your tollerance / expectation of service different to perhaps when you were working under pressure and very busy? I'm just wondering if this has a significant impact on expectations?

....You recall correctly. Had my own limited company with a member of the Royal Family on the board, worked 24/7 from a studio next door to my home in Chelsea. I treated everybody, no matter who they were, in the same way I wished to be treated myself (exactly as maxitrol says). Customer service was always important and sometimes I was good at it and other times I wasn't but I was always honest about it.

I think it's the whole of life's experiences which forms someone's expectations but also mixed with upbringing and personal character. I really don't approve of the cut-throat business world and what it can instill in people, but what goes around comes around.

I've always been fairly laid back (drugs helped!) but have always enjoyed excellent relationships with people and companies - Afterall, all my clients were companies (including Horrids, Steve) and I worked with top management and workers.

I'm not much different now except what I view as more important in life.

 :surprised: I can't believe some people's posts on this thread, some very harsh. I lurk quit a bit on this forum but as I don't mod (oem freak  :grin:), I have less to contribute on some posts than many of you guys probably do. Why are people assuming that Robin is on some kind of a personal mission for starting a new thread for this? Surely it's something which affects us all most of the time. Nowhere in this thread has Robin tried to defend any company, instead suggesting the issue of service is debated.

....Well, that is how I saw it too, although I anticipated some people might unfortunately take umbrage (tee hee :evilgrin:). I do stand accused of "defending" a couple of companies in particular but I have no vested interests (contrary to what others insist on believing) and only seek fairness and balance.

Still, I'm old enough and ugly enough not to be too bothered by others - We all have our differing views - Who the feck cares anyway! It's actually quite funny at times and healthy to stir it up.

:happy2: :drinking:

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Re: Customer Service, Relationships, and Expectations....
« Reply #21 on: July 14, 2009, 12:25:50 am »

To be fare the thread is not about a customer satisfaction survey its about Robin. He cleverly dresses it up that way, but the bottom line is he simply cant bare to see a bad word said about Milltek or VWR. Which is fine its his prerogative. what we are trying to get across is by doing this every time he actually makes trivial situations worse.
This whole thread is just a facade to try and detract from his compulsion to interfere when you mention them.  :love:

Edit im off to bed.  :drinking:

....Now it's you who are talking utter bollox :grin:

That's simply not true! You just can't have bothered to read my posts fully. I'm not going to do a tedious Tuetonic_Tamer and present a lengthy dissection of quotes, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt, matey, and say you're just taking the piss and trying to wind me up.

If not, you have an issue in modifying your views once you have decided something, whether you were right or wrong - Tut-tut.

Sleep well! :grin:

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Re: Customer Service, Relationships, and Expectations....
« Reply #22 on: July 14, 2009, 12:43:24 am »
but the bottom line is he simply cant bare to see a bad word said about Milltek or VWR.

As a relative infrequent poster to this forum, I must say that this is not far off my judgement of the user RedRobin.

I am all for brand whoring, but this has been taken to a new level.

Non-Executive Director perhaps?  :signLOL:

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Re: Customer Service, Relationships, and Expectations....
« Reply #23 on: July 14, 2009, 12:49:31 am »
We can all get a bit passionate when we have a good experience and can't understand others that dont but it does happen.

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Re: Customer Service, Relationships, and Expectations....
« Reply #24 on: July 14, 2009, 12:58:30 am »
but the bottom line is he simply cant bare to see a bad word said about Milltek or VWR.

As a relative infrequent poster to this forum, I must say that this is not far off my judgement of the user RedRobin.

I am all for brand whoring, but this has been taken to a new level.

Non-Executive Director perhaps?  :signLOL:

.... :laugh:

No, I'm just an enthusiast and, as such, I enthusiastically share my views (which you are free to take or leave) about various aspects of the Mk5 GTI and the various modifications and related subjects. When I'm enthusiastic about something/someone, I share it - Networking and sharing is what forums are about, yes?

I was under the impression that my posted reviews (in which I mention company names! Ooooo!) were liked and appreciated.

Oh, and I do help people too - Somehow I've collected 25 Thank You's to date.

But I'm not perfect. :smiley:

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Re: Customer Service, Relationships, and Expectations....
« Reply #25 on: July 14, 2009, 01:01:09 am »

We can all get a bit passionate when we have a good experience and can't understand others that dont but it does happen.

....YES!! :jumpmove: - Passion is exactly what it's all about!

Aren't we all here passionate about our Mk5 GTI's and caring about who else interferes with cares for them?

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Re: Customer Service, Relationships, and Expectations....
« Reply #26 on: July 14, 2009, 01:07:48 am »

a thread like this is never going to be pretty  :ashamed:

....Too damned right!! :signLOL:

Perhaps I should bung my sig back to Eat Pussy!

To anyone who doesn't like that my sig has the name of a commercial company in it - Feck off!! :angry015: I enjoyed driving that race GTI and enjoy the memory of it which my sig pic brings.


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Re: Customer Service, Relationships, and Expectations....
« Reply #27 on: July 14, 2009, 01:33:03 am »

@ SteveP:

Oops! I see that I said in my original post that "It's a bit of a rant as well, and a few of you here may very well feel it's aimed at you", so sorry if you took that as being personally directed.

Although it truly wasn't personally directed at you (tough if, like TC, you don't believe me) part of the view you had expressed in the other thread was representative of views which I don't happen to agree with. But none of this is a fight - It's merely a discussion and I'm sure it will soon fade away as it becomes boring or even tiresome.

If you find the subject tiresome, then look at it another way - It's increased your site's traffic. Funny, Eat Pussy did that too.


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Re: Customer Service, Relationships, and Expectations....
« Reply #28 on: July 14, 2009, 06:30:14 am »
At J5BWS request his posts have been removed from this thread.



Sorry that you are taking my words so personally. I am allowed to express my views and opinions on this site aren't I? The subject is highly relevant to most people on this site - It relates to much of what is discussed here - Sourcing and buying car components and services.

I can only assume you are taking my words so personally because I have touched a nerve.

It really isn't my mission to help any particular companies - All my points are generic and any companies named are merely used as examples which we all know. You need to step back a moment and look at what I post on this site in another light.

I'm not referring to any particular experience of poor customer service you personally may have had in starting this topic and I can't help it if you want to see it that way. Perhaps it's just that you are relating it yourself to what I have written.

You've lost respect for me? Why? Because our views may be different? Because I don't meet your expectations in some area?

It is irrelevant if I take this post personally or not, I will deal with things how I see fit with the best interests of the site in mind only.

You are free, as any other member is, to post what you like on the site and as long as it falls within the site guidelines which you agreed to up on registering for an account.

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Re: Customer Service, Relationships, and Expectations....
« Reply #29 on: July 14, 2009, 08:11:34 am »
If you take a customers money, you play by the customers rules.

Big boys rules.  Simple as.

Some companies would do well to realise that.