I would want it off all the time TBH, but at the same time i see what your saying about it being there when you need it but i never really drive at a pace with the wee one in the car or when im in cruise mode so i dont think i would need it activated then anyway, even though for obvious reasons it would be better activated (if you know what i mean).
over the years I'd say 60% of my cars have had no form of interfearance and 40% have. The only cars I've had any trouble on we're my e30 and E36 m3s the e30 was really easy to correct though if you were caught out but the e36 ended up facing the wrong way a fair few times and this was just driving in normal traffic say following a ford ka on a roundabout, with one hand on the wheel type thing, thinking it was impossible for anything to happen as I was driving slowly!

Although I've never ever had a FWD step out on me in any conditions unless I've wanted it too, so with that in mind I'd happily have it deactivated from start up with the option of the switch on if required.
I know what you are saying about just push the button when you want it and in 95% of driving circumstances I'd happily have it on, or not notice any differance anyway but guaranteed most of my little blasts are spur of the moment on the way home from work or going to the shops or when someone in an m3 overtakes you and then you have got to remember to lean over and press the button because if you don't your going to end up disappointed.
Yes have it off on track days and if you are going for a little back road expedition, but its the moments in between this that ultimately lead you to go to track days and take it for a drive but if these outings are underwhelming the car will stay in the drive, and honestly I feel like I've spend 10k on the car with that button off, no wonder it won car off the year
The love is back for the mk5

About the rear end, it never actually stepped out it was tugging like you could actually feel the car had some sort of set up to it and wasn't a neutral joy killer, its amazing how much the esp hides the GTis very good standard chassis and how much it kills its character, I'm not joking but the drive I had the other day puts this car up there with my RS albeit lacking a bit of of its front end grip!
Also that road has a large range of road visibility and one of the reasons you only really see performance cars on the road and I'd never push it if I couldn't see what was coming round a bend
Plus it's pretty abandoned and due to the speed limits I could only drive at 60mph max