Thats a Great New Car, It looks fantastic! cant wait to see some pictures of it fully ZAino'd! Bet you cant wait to get some Z5 on there! ;)
happy motoring! oh and BTW....get to DMS Automotive, they are fantastic at mapping these engines
Thanks JPC

Well picked it up tonight, and very pleased with it indeed. Had forgotten how it pulls as its been quite some time since the test drive. Sounds fantastic, feels really light on its feet (if that makes any sense) and pulls like a train!
It really does needs some Zaino loving on it, I turned down all the dealerships "special £399 lifetime special products", and although it was nice and shiny and swirl free on collection it had a lot of holograms and wax residue on it

Hopefully it'll go into the bat cave this weekend and get some serious attention. I'll do a write up as well, it just depends if I can get the keys off the wife as she absolutely loves this car

If you do get a chance to test drive one of these, go for it, they really are something special.
I'll have a look at DMS Automotive, thanks for the advise