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Author Topic: how my car running? logs inside  (Read 755 times)

Offline karl210

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how my car running? logs inside
« on: February 10, 2013, 09:34:58 pm »
Just been out and done a couple of runs, could you guys tell me if its looking ok? its a standard gti axx with a neuspeed induction kit and its done 92k

Code: [Select]
Group A: '001 Group B: '002 Group C: '003
Engine Speed Coolant Lambda Engine Speed Engine Load Injection Intake Air Mass Engine Speed Intake Air Mass Throttle Drive Ignition
TIME Temperature Regulator TIME Timing TIME Angle Sensor 1 Timing Angle
STAMP /min °C % STAMP /min % ms g/s STAMP /min g/s % °BTDC
0.31 2560 83 1.2 0.05 2520 27.1 1.02 14.67 0.17 2520 14.5 10.6 30.8
0.68 2720 83 -2.3 0.43 2560 29.3 1.28 17.03 0.56 2640 28.33 20 25.5
1.07 2760 83 -4.7 0.82 2680 74.4 3.06 52.44 0.95 2720 68.19 58.8 18.8
1.46 3000 83 3.1 1.19 2840 112.8 4.34 86.61 1.34 2920 95.86 99.6 8.3
1.85 3320 83 2.7 1.58 3120 149.6 6.12 112.28 1.71 3200 114.72 98.8 6
2.22 3560 83 3.1 1.97 3400 158.6 6.12 108.58 2.1 3480 113.78 98 9
2.61 3840 83 3.1 2.37 3680 149.6 5.61 110.72 2.49 3760 107.75 99.6 13.5
3 4120 83 3.9 2.74 3920 133.8 5.1 107.78 2.88 4040 109.75 99.6 15.8
3.39 4360 83 5.1 3.13 4200 128.6 5.36 116.06 3.25 4280 120.19 99.6 15.8
3.77 4600 83 5.1 3.52 4480 132.3 5.87 127.25 3.64 4560 131.72 99.6 15.8
4.16 4880 83 4.3 3.91 4720 134.6 6.12 134.81 4.03 4800 140.64 99.6 16.5
4.55 5120 83 4.7 4.28 4960 134.6 5.87 142.61 4.43 5040 142.94 99.6 18
4.94 5360 83 3.9 4.67 5200 132.3 5.87 148.19 4.8 5240 146.5 99.6 18.8
5.32 5560 83 3.5 5.07 5400 128.6 5.87 148.06 5.19 5480 148.14 99.6 19.5
5.7 5800 83 3.9 5.45 5640 124.8 5.61 150 5.58 5720 151.11 99.6 21
6.09 5960 83 4.7 5.83 5840 121.8 5.61 151.58 5.97 5920 149.69 99.6 22.5
6.48 6160 83 5.1 6.22 6040 117.3 5.36 148.42 6.34 6080 154.47 99.6 23.3
6.86 6320 83 4.3 6.61 6200 115.8 5.36 153.53 6.73 6280 155.36 99.6 24.8
7.25 6480 83 3.5 7 6400 113.5 5.36 155.39 7.12 6440 155.06 99.6 24.8
7.64 6640 83 2.7 7.37 6520 112.8 5.36 155.78 7.51 6600 157.47 99.6 25.5
« Last Edit: February 10, 2013, 09:57:04 pm by karl210 »

Offline karl210

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Re: how my car running? logs inside
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2013, 09:36:02 pm »
Code: [Select]
Engine Speed Engine Load Boost Pressure Boost Pressure Engine Load Engine Load Engine Load Wastegate (N75) Rail Pressure Rail Pressure Rail Pressure
TIME (specified) (actual) TIME (specified) (spec. corrected) (actual Value) Duty Cycle TIME (specified) (actual) Difference
STAMP /min % mbar mbar STAMP % % % % STAMP bar bar bar
0.11 2000 24.1 430 990 0.24 135.3 135.3 25.6 0 0.36 92.2 92.2 0.24
0.5 2120 51.1 1480 960 0.62 134.6 134.6 72.9 94.9 0.75 99.8 102.4 -2.43
0.88 2160 88.7 1740 1170 1.01 134.6 134.6 93.2 94.9 1.14 106.2 105.6 0.81
1.26 2320 111.3 1730 1510 1.39 132.3 132.3 121.1 51 1.54 109.4 109.4 -0.49
1.66 2560 139.8 1700 1900 1.78 130.8 130.8 145.9 52.9 1.9 109.4 110.7 -0.93
2.05 2840 155.6 1680 2000 2.17 130.8 130.8 154.9 42.7 2.3 109.4 109.4 -0.03
2.42 3080 145.1 1670 1810 2.57 130.1 130.1 138.3 36.5 2.69 109.4 110.7 -0.99
2.81 3320 130.1 1660 1640 2.93 130.1 130.1 129.3 36.9 3.08 109.4 110.1 -0.54
3.2 3560 129.3 1650 1640 3.32 130.8 130.8 128.6 36.9 3.45 109.4 110.7 -0.9
3.59 3800 128.6 1640 1620 3.71 132.3 132.3 130.1 36.5 3.84 109.4 109.4 0.48
3.96 4000 129.3 1630 1590 4.1 133.8 133.8 126.3 37.6 4.23 109.4 110.7 -0.79
4.35 4240 126.3 1630 1580 4.48 134.6 134.6 127.8 39.6 4.62 109.4 110.1 -0.19
4.75 4440 129.3 1630 1580 4.87 135.3 135.3 130.1 41.2 5 109.4 108.8 0.67
5.13 4640 130.8 1620 1590 5.26 135.3 135.3 130.8 42 5.38 109.4 108.8 0.56
5.51 4840 127.8 1610 1570 5.65 134.6 134.6 127.8 43.1 5.77 109.4 111.4 -1.58
5.9 5080 128.6 1590 1560 6.03 131.6 131.6 127.8 42.7 6.16 109.4 109.4 0.22
6.29 5280 127.1 1550 1520 6.41 129.3 129.3 125.6 42.4 6.54 109.4 108.8 1.18
6.68 5480 121.8 1500 1500 6.81 127.1 127.1 121.1 41.6 6.93 109.4 108.8 1.15
7.05 5640 120.3 1470 1450 7.19 124.8 124.8 118.8 41.2 7.32 109.4 111.4 -1.65
7.45 5840 117.3 1430 1420 7.57 122.6 122.6 115.8 41.2 7.71 109.4 109.4 0.02
7.84 6000 114.3 1400 1400 7.96 120.3 120.3 113.5 40.8 8.08 109.4 106.9 3.09
8.22 6160 111.3 1370 1380 8.35 118.8 118.8 111.3 40.4 8.48 109.4 112 -2.21
8.6 6280 110.5 1350 1370 8.74 116.5 116.5 109.8 39.6 8.86 109.4 107.5 2.07
8.99 6440 107.5 1320 1350 9.12 115 115 107.5 38.4 9.25 109.4 113.3 -3.74
9.38 6560 106 1300 1330 9.5 113.5 113.5 105.3 37.6 9.63 109.4 112.6 -2.93
9.77 6680 103.8 1220 1300 9.89 108.3 108.3 103 35.3 10.02 109.4 119 -9.16
10.14 5440 99.2 1380 1250 10.29 129.3 129.3 107.5 38 10.41 109.4 101.8 8.08
« Last Edit: February 10, 2013, 09:57:40 pm by karl210 »

Offline karl210

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Re: how my car running? logs inside
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2013, 09:36:47 pm »
is this readable? or shal i print screen and put pics up? cheers

Offline Unicorn

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Re: how my car running? logs inside
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2013, 10:23:42 pm »
Hi Karl.

all looks right for a standard car ?


Offline karl210

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Re: how my car running? logs inside
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2013, 10:45:43 pm »
cool, cheers  :happy2:
Just replaced the dv to the rev D one and just making sure to check everything and swap parts like that over and then start looking for a remap. Ive been reading about the cam follower for the fuel pump, is mine worth checking or is the fuelling fine? Did the maths and its roughly 192bhp any reason other than mileage why its slightly down?
Also noticed a little bit of lag since fitting the new dv, is this normal?

Offline Unicorn

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Re: how my car running? logs inside
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2013, 06:19:49 am »
Hi Karl.

the DV shouldn't give you anymore lag, is it possible that it didn't quite seal when installed?  The cam follower is defo worth checking.  They do wear, and it's a quick job.  They wear more with an uprated pump but still suffer even with std.

Don't worry about the 192 bhp reading.  It's a very crude measurement, you're well in the ball park figure so nothing to be concerned about.  When mapped, I'd be looking at the lambda regulation figures to make sure the MAF is correctly reading the increased airflow figure.

Thanks, Rick

Offline karl210

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Re: how my car running? logs inside
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2013, 10:28:57 am »
thanks Rick, Gonna get under it again today and make sure its fully tight and check over all hose clamps. With the old dv in there was more power low down between 1-2k but im guessing the turbo isnt doing much then anyway? but it was flat after 4k. Now it seems gutless below 2k but mid-high rpm it goes as it should. Also before i changed it i could hear it hissing after 4k on WOT now i can hear a deeper hissing below 3k and when i plant it in 2nd there is a weird leak that sounds like a whine or a sort of metal screech. Im hoping because its holding boost better its presented another leak elsewhere that i can just tighten a jubalee clamp. I will check the cam follower today, cheers

Offline Unicorn

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Re: how my car running? logs inside
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2013, 11:33:19 am »
The PCV diaphram is a weak spot also.  The turbo isn't doing a lot below 2k but if you have a leak it can result in a weak mixture which will make the car feel flat.  It needs pressure testing really.


Offline S2 Ant

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Re: how my car running? logs inside
« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2013, 01:01:26 pm »
As above, the AXX engine i believe is more prone to issues with the cam follower and should be checked at that mileage IMO. The earlier cars are known to have a problem with wear on them and once its worn down it will then start to eat your camshaft and the shaft on the HPFP

I've just had mine done on my later GTi at around 55k and its barely even marked the  surface of it which is good news - hopefully the new one will be just as happy :)