not sure you need the locker on the space saver
Believe it or not I have 2 on it

Im getting my front tyres changed on Monday, since one of them is low on tread. The other one has a good 5-6mm on it. Im gettin gboth changed together so I dont have one lower on tread then the other, as I have now.
I believe its a Dunlop Sportmaxx though.
If you want it cheap gimme a shout 
Thanks m8 but I’ll pass, I’d rather keep em both Goodyear’s. Nice offer though,

Not good Mick, I hit a 4" x 4" 6ft long piece of wood which had obviously fallen off the back of a lorry, fortunately it didnt do any damage! I wasnt very happy! 
I know that feeling too, I hit a huge log at about 55mph in the pouring rain once.
Completely destroyed a Prodrive Alloy, Sump Guard and trashed my suspension geometry on my Scooby

The sound at the time of impact had me convinced I'd wrecked the entire front end. I hardly dare get out to look.

I've had a strap and buckle flick up off the car in front and go straight through the windscreen of my 2 day old car, wasn't best pleased, also hit a lump of wood on a roundabout 6 months ago which buckled 1 of my rims
just call me lucky 
Oooh bugger.. there’s so many hazards out there these days, often unseen till its too late.