^^^What's the point in buying a 'sporty hot hatch' and not being able to hoon around in it occasionally because of your 'cool' tyres. 
"hoonin around" I hope is kept to race tracks or similar circumstance,
Is it not the same thing as why buy a car and then stage 3 just to drive up and down to a few show's, or the occasional trip to the supermarket? but never making it reach its potiential.
I still differ on the tought to the extremes that people think how dangerous they actually are, We drove up to Holland last year to MIVW, all 4 of the cars had strecthed tyres yet even on a pretty much contant drive of 300 miles we didnt have any bother.
IMHO They now where as dangerous as people make, Buy good tyres not cheap budget crap and dont go for an extreme stretch there really should be much drama