General > Detailing

clay bar.....

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--- Quote from: 08micsta on November 27, 2008, 03:04:24 pm ---Thow shall payeth him in potatoes and vegetableths  :signLOL:

Im boredeth  :rolleye:

--- End quote ---

yes.......yes you are!!!  :indifferent:

now blue...............HOW DO I PAY  :jumpmove:


--- Quote from: joesgti on November 27, 2008, 02:59:46 pm ---
--- Quote from: 182_blue on November 27, 2008, 01:29:16 pm ---did you get sorted ?, i could post you some of my spare sonus green for a few quids  :happy2:

--- End quote ---

hey, that would be GREAT!! how shall i pay thow?

--- End quote ---

Bank transfer ?, i would do paypal but they charge

how much you want? il use paypal and add 50p for the charge  :smiley:

£5 including post ?, + 50p if you want to do paypal, if you want it just pm me and i will give you my paypal address


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