Hmm, now this has got me thinking! This is my first turbo (had an Ibiza Cupra before which was twin charged, bought the GTI in November) and I've recently fitted a Neuspeed pipe and filter.
Since fitted the induction noise is ALOT louder and it does feel like it pulls that tiny bit harder, however along with the loud induction noise it now make a strange flutie noise as you go over 4k revs?
Thoughts :S
I get the flute sound from my itg maxogen mate, and I'm already running a rev d dv. Ive been told its quite normal for some intakes. I find mune does it more when it under load
You will hear the turbo through the aftermarket induction kit. On the standard airbox you shouldnt hear it whistle, also the noise will only be heard under load as the turbo doesnt boost when it has no load.
Whats the part number for this dv? Mine feels fast but ive never driven a boosted car or a goof gti before.
Mine is exactly the same speed as
my mates stripped civiic type r with ss exhaust and induction, also a mates mk1 225 tt it sticks with, so all is fine right?
Ok i take this back, got rinsed by the civic today :( must have a boost leak