Bit of a belated hello from me.
I used to be a major member of Uk-MkIVs in the early days (around 2001-2005) however I kicked the habit (although still have plenty of mates I keep in touch with from those days).
I went by this user name back then too......wrote several seminal "how-to" guides and ran my own web page for Mk4 Golf modders.
Being born in the '60s means I've had access to most of the Golf marques from new over the years - my first NEW golf was a Mk2 GTi 8V - 1990 J-Reg runout model.
I had a Mk3 GTi 8v, a Mk4 GTTDi, and a Mk5 GTTDi, in addition to the 1.3GL Series 1 Mk1 back in the 1980s.
Currently bumming about in my 2008 Jetta TDi Sport daily driver (effectively a Mk5 golf) after a series of Skoda Octavia including a diesel VRS.
I have a G-Reg Mk2 undegoing S3 engine transplant, and have two CitiGolfs - a 94 1.3 Shuttle, and an 02 1.6i GT.....both from South Africa.
These are my play things and keep me amused most weekends in good weather

Anyways, thats the end of my intro.......cheers