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Author Topic: DAB smb connector - how hard to push?  (Read 1647 times)

Offline paulw123

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DAB smb connector - how hard to push?
« on: February 26, 2013, 09:52:26 am »
So i've never seen a dab fakra connector before as on back of rcd510, or an smb connector. Tried a test fit of windscreen aerial connector and not sure i've got the right connector. The aerial has metal gold plated plug on end, this just about fits into the black fakra connector on rcd510, but its very tight, tight enough i'd say to distort the black fakra mating bore. Why don't they use F-connectors like on sky stuff, much more positive being screwed on.

Have i got the right end on the windscreen aerial ? i twist it as i push it in?

Does it snap in when it bottoms out?

Seems if you remove it alot you'll knacker it?
GT TDI sport 140 08plate,RCD510 DAB, leather armrest, euro cup holder

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Re: DAB smb connector - how hard to push?
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2013, 08:37:55 pm »
They do tend to be a very tight fit. Go slow and only use your hand to push it in, not a tool etc to over stress the connector. If you think the aerial is too tight you could consider sanding it etc to reduce the outer diameter.... Although this was not something I needed to do with my RCD510 DAB. The friction is I suppose the alternative to the (in my view) superior fakra clicking into place.

Offline brookesb32

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Re: DAB smb connector - how hard to push?
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2013, 09:33:14 pm »
I have a roof mounted dab aerial now which with an extension lead uses a fakra connector but previously I had a windscreen one which had the end you describe. Mine just pushed on nice and tightly without much effort and was easy to remove so I would say you have nothing to worry about
« Last Edit: February 27, 2013, 02:46:05 pm by brookesb32 »
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Offline paulw123

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Re: DAB smb connector - how hard to push?
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2013, 09:38:11 am »
thanks guys, never seen these connectors before, was'nt sure if it was a bad design or i had the wrong bits, so best to ask the knowledgeable folk on here  :pomppomp:
GT TDI sport 140 08plate,RCD510 DAB, leather armrest, euro cup holder