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Author Topic: Does the RNS 510 display traffic congestion on the map.........?  (Read 1246 times)

Offline Eccie

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Does the RNS 510 display traffic congestion on the map.........?
« on: February 23, 2013, 03:51:05 pm »
I've only had the RNS 510 for a week so I'm still getting use to it. On the drive home from Alton Towers :jumpmove: on Friday we encountered delays on the M6 (nothing unusual :fighting:) so we dived off the motorway and shot up some A roads adjacent to the M6 (Holmes chapel, knutsford etc)

The map was displaying grey blocks on the motorway, does this signify traffic congestion? Does it pull this from the Traffic reports? which where suggesting 6 miles of slow traffic

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Re: Does the RNS 510 display traffic congestion on the map.........?
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2013, 04:01:07 pm »
Yeah if you zoom in the grey blocks will look like cars iirc. Ten you can press traffic a it will display it in there or when you plan a route, when it gives the route options you can click on them to see what the delay is

Offline Eccie

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Re: Does the RNS 510 display traffic congestion on the map.........?
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2013, 04:15:42 pm »
Ah.... Thanks Nodz I think I need to get a manual & give it a good read, all the links to PDF versions I can find don't work, so I guess it's a visit to 'the bay' or stealers

Edit - got one here
« Last Edit: February 23, 2013, 04:21:08 pm by Eccie »

Gone - Candy White MK5 Golf GTI (you never really forget your first true love...!)
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