General > Detailing

Cleaning Alloys....

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As most of you already know, I'm not especially into detailing - I spend a couple of hours handwashing my GTI but only when she gets dirty. So that can be once every 4-6 weeks and only if the weather allows outdoor cleaning. I use Meguiar's NXT Generation car wash and a lambswool mitt and big waffle(?)/microfibre cloth thingy.

However, I am more inclined to wash the alloys more often. I am changing the finish on my diamond-cut alloys to powdercoated, in order to keep out the dreaded 'white worm'. It's a common issue and I don't understand why VAG continue with it as it results in a lot of warranty claims.

So, when my alloys are powdercoated, what do you recommend please for cleaning and protecting them?

Thanks +++

Top Cat:
If you wash them regular you should only need  just normal mild soap, then poorboys wheel sealent. thats what i reckon.  :smiley:

my god your wheels are fooooooked  :sad: but i bet they look awesome now


Ah, pink gunk for a pink car!

Cheers, TC :drinking:


--- Quote from: MAT ED30 on November 27, 2008, 03:36:33 pm ---my god your wheels are fooooooked  :sad: but i bet they look awesome now

--- End quote ---

....Well, right now today, they probably are totally stripped but they should be powdercoated and ready for Saturday's mega-meet.


Meanwhile, my Monza 17's are back on : -


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