General > Detailing

Cleaning Alloys....

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--- Quote from: 08micsta on November 27, 2008, 04:25:33 pm ---I sort of read it as- "try to remove stubborn stains in the corners with a milf"

--- End quote ---

TBH with you, so did I!

 :signIWS: :signLOL:



You're too young to fancy MILF's!!

:love: :evilgrin:


The milfs at my school have bigger breasts than that and clearly enjoy the attention that they get  :innocent: :mad: :signLOL:
One day I want to look at your hardrive robin  :rolleye:

Top Cat:
Red, I did this the other week and if you wash them regular you really dont need anything other than Lambs wool mitt, and ed brush. Honestly a quick wash once a week, once sealed and the dust and dirt just falls off.  :jumping:



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