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Cleaning Alloys....

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Personally I prefer smaller tits : -

^ Cameron Diaz in a VeeDub beach buggy :love:

I use Meguiars Wheel Brightener, watered down 10:1 in a sprayer bottle. Its under £20 for almost 4 litres and makes around 40 litres of decent wheel cleaner, a darn site cheaper than "Hot Rims" and just as good.  A cheapy wheel brush from here is perfec for GTI 17" or 18" wheels, give it a slight bend and it will reach the back of your wheels, leaving them looking like new.

Its cheap, does the job and lasts. I now have 3 of these, still look like new after a year.

Same as the other guys really Robin, but I like to add a coat of finishing wax once every two weeks (collinite FTW!) and tend to seal only once every 2 - 3 months  :wink: :happy2:

I wash, then towel dry the alloys on my S-line A4 then use AG wheel sealer which puts a shine on them like nothing else.

Would defo recomend it.


My my...what varied ways and means of cleaning alloys....the pics were helpful too.... :laugh:

I've just finsihed cleaning our Polo GTI which has BBS split rims, what a baxxxxx they are to clean!!!  Gave them a coat of Rimwax afterwards :innocent:


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