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Cleaning Alloys....

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Any sealant should do the trick on the rims Robin.

Clean them with a degreaser or car soap - not kitchen cleaner lol and let them soak a bit. Agitate them with a normal paint brush or if you are feeling posh use a "Meguirs/ Zaino/ Swissvax Wheel cleanser"  :P :laugh: and then rims them down. Use a normal MF to dry them off and take the car around the block not only to remove other water on the car but also from the rims.



Thanks, Mike :happy2:

I've got a very container of VIRO-SOL citrus cleaner and degreaser and so spray with that, followed by just gentle water-hose while using Meguair's alloys soft brush and then wipe dry with absorbant paper kitchen roll.

No no

All good until the kitchen paper towel  :laugh:
rather dry it with a microfibre because the microfiber cloth will absorb whatever remaining dirt and grime possibly stays behind and wont scratch the rims...

Whereas your kitchen towel traps the dirt (As it has zero abosrbing "powers" and drags the sand/dirt/dust particles over the rim surface scratching the rims and dulling the look of your rims and such.

If you used a kitchen cloth on the Monza's then thats probably why you got the whiteworn (assuming of course you didnt curb them etc).


I normally soak the alloys with water, spray on Megs alloy wheel cleaner, leave for a bit, scrub with an alloy brush, try to remove the stubborn stains in the corners with a mf mitt, rinse, wipe dry, use ag srp, seal with pb wheel sealant.

Thats perfect Stealthwolf  :driver:

Only prob is this part:

--- Quote ---try to remove the stubborn stains in the corners with a mf mitt
--- End quote ---

I sort of read it as- "try to remove stubborn stains in the corners with a milf"

 :jumping: :signLOL:


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