General > Detailing

window sratch


i have a small scratch in my windscreen caused by something stuck in the wipers and i want to get rid of it as its directly infront of me, just wondering if theres any way i can get rid of it.

i was thinking claybar as its only a very light scratch, you can barely feel it with your finger nail

any suggestions?

autoglym glass polish?

Best ever for glass scratches (IMO)

You guessed it TC, ZAINO Z-12

You can even use it with a machine polisher, its great on old cars with hard to remove water spots.

clay wont shift it, AG glass polish wont either (not if its a proper scratch) also you have to be really careful polishing glass as you can change the optics of the glass by polishing it, if you really want to try it buy some jewellers rouge and use that (may need mixing with an olive oil to make it usable as its a powder)


--- Quote from: veedub18 on November 27, 2008, 06:51:25 pm ---Best ever for glass scratches (IMO)

You guessed it TC, ZAINO Z-12

You can even use it with a machine polisher, its great on old cars with hard to remove water spots.

--- End quote ---

Only slight scratches, nothing deep like the ones the wife used to do with her wedding ring!


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