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Author Topic: Cracked Talladega  (Read 1196 times)

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Cracked Talladega
« on: April 28, 2015, 10:36:57 pm »
* Sorry mods if this is in the wrong section.  Perhaps we need a 'All Things Mk6' section.. anyway I digress..  :happy2:

I had the TPMS warning come on earlier today so pumped up the offending tyre, but tonight it was low again.  I whipped the wheel off when I got in and with the aid of a bit of water in a spray bottle, discovered a small crack in the inside rim where it meets the tyre.  I'm guessing that it's probably been caused by a pothole.  :sad:
What are people's thoughts about wheel repairs?  I think I'd be happier getting a replacement alloy but any advice would be welcome please.  It's a 19" black Talladega by the way.
I know MarkyMark had an alloy for sale so I've sent him a PM to see if it's still available.  If anyone else has one, please let me know.
Thanks all.  :drinking:

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Re: Cracked Talladega
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2015, 10:43:24 pm »
Try getting under warranty like with the bmw