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"Schroth Quickfit removable 4-point harness" By Tony Danza

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--- Quote from: MAT ED30 on November 19, 2009, 11:59:42 am ---


--- End quote ---

....Excellent! I think that info saves me needing to contact Schroth (Job #432). Thanks Mat  :drinking:

Of course most of the info is written for Schroth's full race harnesses but much also applies to their Quikfit.

I think this link should be added to tony_danza's first post.

I now need to check the 20º rear strap angle 'rule' on my car.

Robin, that's for a HANS harness - completely different set of rules and angles.


--- Quote from: tony_danza on November 19, 2009, 02:12:37 pm ---
Robin, that's for a HANS harness - completely different set of rules and angles.

--- End quote ---

....Then try this link : -

Btw, the Schroth QuickFit can be used with a HANS yoke.

I'll keep searching..


Check out the Instructions booklet > page 19 > Vehicle Reference List > VW Golf V - "Only with Approved After Market Seats". That doesn't look like good news for oem seats and puts a question mark over the Recaro's even though they were a limited factory option.

Link : -


Hey, hang on a sec..

The Schroth QuickFit harnesses has ASM technology which, if you check out the ASM Document wmv file linked on the Instructions web page, you'll see is crash dummy test illustrated to be potentially far less damaging than standard safety belts! This actually presents a case for wearing them everyday - I already know that my insurer has no problem with that.

Of course it all relies on the QuickFit being properly installed and properly worn.


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