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"Schroth Quickfit removable 4-point harness" By Tony Danza

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--- Quote from: RedRobin on November 19, 2009, 02:34:57 pm ---....

Check out the Instructions booklet > page 19 > Vehicle Reference List > VW Golf V - "Only with Approved After Market Seats". That doesn't look like good news for oem seats and puts a question mark over the Recaro's even though they were a limited factory option.

Link : -

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Robin - if you look up, there's a link from Recaro stating your seats are approved for use with a 4-point harness......


--- Quote from: tony_danza on November 19, 2009, 03:08:46 pm ---
Robin - if you look up, there's a link from Recaro stating your seats are approved for use with a 4-point harness......

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....Is the Recaro seat as TC's and mine one of these? : -

Keiper Recaro:
Orthopäd, Designer Touring, Idealsitz SR, Idealsitz L/LX/LS 84, Idealsitz CS84, CSE, T-Line, Designer Sport, C-Classic, TX, N, LS, CT, Variomed, A 8, Modular, Ergomed, IS 2000 Style, D&W-Sitze

Its known as a CS, so I can only assume a CSE is the version provided to the likes of VAG/BMW/Ford/Renault.


--- Quote from: tony_danza on September 23, 2009, 02:42:00 pm ---
Also, forgot to mention, make sure the lap section is nice and low in position - you don't want to submarine out of the seat in the event of a crash. Should be where a normal 3 pointer sits, under the belly!!

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....Should be positioned as you and Schroth's Instructions rightly say. The "ASM" in the Schroth QuickFit title stands for Anti Submarining Mechanism. I've now seen a vid with crash dummies which shows how the Schroth ASM works.

My link has opened a can of worms  :rolleye:


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