Me again!
Things are moving forward very quickly now, the downpipe and dump tube fabrication is now complete, both have been wrapped up in high quality exhaust wrap and are installed on the car..
The downpipe had 3 layers of wrap on the bend out of the turbo as this will be the hottest part of the whole exhaust system..

And both on the car.. (dump tube looks nasty!!)

This picture gives a little better view of the dump tube. You can see its also supported on a small removable tag to the downpipe support bracket, this should prevent the dump tube rattling around and risking damage to the wastegate port on the manifold..

Andy & Andy have managed to work the downpipe around the standard shift cable support bracket, something that I have very keen for them to do as the geometry of the shift cables is very important to keeping the linkage smooth and fast..
Still looking a bit messy as there are things not connected up and it was dark at this point but you get the idea..

The shift cables have also have a layer of the ceramic matting for protection against the heat of the downpipe..
So most of the wiring and ancillary pipe work has been fitted which leaves the lower boost pipe, that needs re fabricating as its no where near what we need, with the 4WD system, it needs to take a completely different route to what the boost pipe would on the GTI.
Once that’s done then its just going to be a case of connecting up the drive shaft and that’s all the under car stuff done!
Seats arrived too! I checked that the base frames were all there, didn’t want the same problem as last time with the ED30! Anyways all looks good and these will be going in tomorrow now, didn’t have a chance today with the car still being on the ramp!
Base frame kit..

One of the seats, went for the same black simulated leather and black dynamica finish!.. Should work well with the interior that I have planned for the car..

Aluminium side mounts.. I removed the big Recaro decal from these so there not quite so in your face.. Funny that on the picture you can still see a ghost, something that your eye doesn’t pick up on at all.. Spoooooky! Ha..

Im considering having them powdercoated in a textured matt black finish but can’t decide..
So that’s about it for now really, painfully close now, we’ll see where it gets to tomorrow!