None of the above.
I wouldn't have a supercar.I'd buy a bigger house and spend some on building a big shed/workshop and fill it with the entire contents of Teng's catalogue.I would have a mezzanine level thats just a blokes den...jukebox, big screen projection system with full dolby surround sound,beer fridge and so on.
Then I would have all the MK's of Golf in totally standard,but concourse detail,including a Rallye and a Corrado or two.
Then,I would have a V8 Landie,specced out with a high lift and big tyres to get me places in the winter.
If I wanted a speed fix,then I'm sure I could afford a private helicopter to take me to a track and hire the car of my choosing to thrap around for a while.
Lastly,there would be a General Lee replica tucked away in a corner,just cos I could.