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Author Topic: How Bis New to VW tuning  (Read 1045 times)

Offline bennibGTI07

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How Bis New to VW tuning
« on: March 19, 2013, 07:52:23 pm »
Hey hope everyones well.

As you can tell im from the west country. Just got myself my second golf, after a 3 years and selling my MK4 GTi which was pretty standard minor tweaks.

I signed up here as this is one of the best forums ive seen for any cars, let alont GTi only. Im in heaven and can see myself getting addicted on here.

Theres so many good post, personal mods etc loads going on.

So this is gonna be a massive help along the way of tuning my MK5 GTi DSG.

I thought id ask about but not sure how many people wanna say hi to a new member but if theres any way i can help you guys out.

Im looking at getting my car wrapped was wondering if anyones had any good/bad experiences or can recomment any where? I have seen a few post people trying this themselfs but i think il leave this to the experts.

Also have looked into 4motion as the plans are il be pushing my baby to around 350bhp. Has any one had experience fitting the 4motion gearbox etc to the GTi, or efects of the Slip Diff...

So many questions

Any way happy modding to one and all and il be trying to hit up as many events along the way. So might catch up with a few of you there.

Thanks for any help in advance

One way to Fly, In a Golf GTi