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Author Topic: New member from West Coast Scotland  (Read 3038 times)

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Re: New member from West Coast Scotland
« Reply #15 on: April 04, 2013, 02:50:59 pm »
Hi Welcome to the forum,where abouts on the west coast buddy?im from Ayrshire  with tornado red gti k03 to many mods to list (k04 upgrade) loving it  :happy2: :happy2:


I'm from Greenock. I went to see a tornado red GTi down your neck of the woods before I bought the black one. It was a shop owner in Troon who was selling it but it was a mess. Big nasty scuff through to the metal on the front wing, which was rusty and had bubbling paint all the way round the damaged area. Also, most of Troon beach was inside the car.  :grin:

Shame - I saw that one advertised.... it looked/sounded really good and a fairly low price - sold before I got across to see it (sounds like it would've been a wasted trip anyway). I've looked at another one that was clean but had pretty poor accident repairs plus bubbling rust starting in a few places. So, still looking!
I also went to see a silver 56 plate in Kircaldy but the front wings both had poor paint job after being replaced due to rust. Big scratch on passenger side rear quarter panel and serious Benson & Hedges air freshener. Had all the right qualities : 1 owner, full vw history, all new tyres, discs all round. It's a pity people don't put the faulty things in their ads. Wasted journey for me. Car still for sale on auto trader tho.