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Random Chat Pruning
This is an observation rather than a whinge.
I was just wondering about the fact that random chat messages seem to disappear after a relatively short period of time. I appreciate that its important to keep the clutter at bay but today was the 3rd time in a couple of weeks that I’ve searched for something I know was in there and its gone. The last messages are dated June 30th which I assume means they’re pruned after some 3 weeks or so.
Is there any chance that this time scale can be extended or is it really necessary for maintaining good bandwidth?
another forum i use has a similar system, works very well. but i agree some threads hold valueable information, VZI forums get round the deletion by having a cool threads area where the best/busiest get shoved/archived
not sure how they determine what goes in though
We normally keeping things in random for upto three weeks. For us to start keeping some topics will difficult and will require a lot of extra work so at present that's not going to happen TBH.
If you ever see a topic you think some be kept then let us know. :happy2:
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