Just seeing the pics brought back the feelings of mine being done last year so I know exactly how you feel. The little sh*ts need their hands cutting off

I'm very surprised this has happened in an airport car park which should be secure
Mine got done was i was out for lunch, was only in the restaurant for an hour (12 til1pm). My RNS didn't get nicked, only lost an old gen iPod nano from the the armrest and my house keys (so paid for all locks to be replaced), but I had drivers window scratched, drivers a pillar dented by a brick passenger window smashed and leather scuff along with steering wheel where the brick hit and steering column. I was parked out the way to prevent doors hitting my car etc and i was under 2 security cameras but they wasn't rewired in the upgrade and where dummies, the manager told me this and so did the police and said the criminals knew the blackspots in the the area quite well as the local leisure centre gets done regularly
I got it all fixed and the leather couldn't be fixed so got new leather seat covers but total repair come to over £2500, luckily I had protected NCD.
I hope you get it sorted soon, I'm just even more of a pain trying to find a decent parking space after this has happened and paranoid especially as the other halfs car got broken into the other week