If your rear boot mech' has white worm you'll be after a newer Mk5 or a Mk6 3D version (they are both plug & play), both appear on here from time to time, can be bought from the VW Mian dealer for around £90 IIRC or contact
brookesb32 (Simon) on here who does a nice job of modding rear mech's for peeps!
OEM Centre Caps are around £28 a set from the dealers and AFAIK the new ones don't suffer from white worm. Monza 2 Caps part number is
GTI badge is around £25 from the dealers or a copy can be had from eBay but make sure its an OEM one otherwise you'll have to modify it to fit in the same position as the original one.
RNS510 is a great Headunit, Version A and B sell for £350 ish and Version C onwards (LED display and bigger harddrive etc etc) sell for £450 ish plus. OEM Bluetooth systems can be bought (on here from
Eddie-NL and installed be him when he has them in stock) on here. Around £200 ish.
And those front lights, save up and buy some xenons, pop up on here for around £500, sholud include bulbs, ignighters, ballasts and correct looms. Then its just fitting on top which many peeps on here can/will do for a fee.