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Author Topic: Recaro > standard seats - Wiring nightmare - Help!!  (Read 5123 times)

Offline Sir_dave

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Recaro > standard seats - Wiring nightmare - Help!!
« on: April 08, 2013, 10:18:42 am »
Ok, so i know its not a GTI, but it is still a Golf  :ashamed:

So on Saturday afternoon i part-ex'd my old Recaros for some standard leather R32 seats, sale went smoothly, but seems that VW changed the wiring harnesses between '55 (car the standard seats came out of) and '56 (my car). So the airbag connectors wont fit together (easy enough to sort) and the heated seats arent working either (complicated i feel).

I've taken pictures of the seat/car wiring & pins, so just wondering if anyone knows which wires to switch/splice together to get the heated elements working again

Airbag - assuming i can just use normal electrical connectors to splice the brown/green/white back together, then re-activate airbags in VCDS (they were turned off previously for my Recaros):

And then the rather trickier issue of heated seats:

Driver main seat looms:

My simple mind thinks that as the heated elements on the Recaros worked with only the purple/blue wire into the bottom right hand connector in the cars loom, i simply need to find which of the wires from the standard seat loom needs to go in there? But which one - there are white, white/blue, yellow/red ...  ?

Passenger main seat looms:

God only knows, the car loom has more wiring requirements than the ruddy seat loom has wires!!

Offline jason_rmh

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Re: Re: Recaro > standard seats - Wiring nightmare - Help!!
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2013, 12:31:47 pm »
Is it because the heated seat loom changed from a controller under each seat (pre 2006) to a single controller under passenger seat (2006 on ) ?

I have listed the wiring for both in my guide, may help?

VCDS (Preston, Lancashire)

Offline Sir_dave

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Re: Re: Recaro > standard seats - Wiring nightmare - Help!!
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2013, 01:35:26 pm »
Is it because the heated seat loom changed from a controller under each seat (pre 2006) to a single controller under passenger seat (2006 on ) ?

I have listed the wiring for both in my guide, may help?

Just checked, controller under each seat. So im guessing thats the issue right there!

Your guide is excellent, but oh my god, what a ballache that looks lol. No way of fixing it without having to buy the kufatec harnesses?

£140 for the pair  :surprised:

So i would need a kufatec loom for the pre-06 seats i assume; but then would i follow the instructions for 'installing loom' for the pre-06, or post 06 car? Im assuming all of your work was for a car without heated seats, whereas i have all the wiring/switches for heated seats already.

« Last Edit: April 08, 2013, 01:52:03 pm by Sir_dave »

Offline jason_rmh

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Re: Re: Recaro > standard seats - Wiring nightmare - Help!!
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2013, 01:56:01 pm »
Your existing loom is factory fitted?
So you have post 2006 loom on the car and pre 2006 loom / controllers on the seats?

You only need one loom to wire up both seats.
If you compare the wiring diagrams you may be able to convert your existing car loom?

The other option is to modify the seat looms to match the later spec? This is probably the best option to save having to mess with the factory loom?


VCDS (Preston, Lancashire)

Offline Sir_dave

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Re: Re: Recaro > standard seats - Wiring nightmare - Help!!
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2013, 02:02:18 pm »
Your existing loom is factory fitted?
So you have post 2006 loom on the car and pre 2006 loom / controllers on the seats?

You only need one loom to wire up both seats.
If you compare the wiring diagrams you may be able to convert your existing car loom?

The other option is to modify the seat looms to match the later spec? This is probably the best option to save having to mess with the factory loom?


Yeah, my cars a '56 plate R32. So essentially in December i part-ex'd my standard leather/heats seats for some Recaros out of another '56 plate R32, swopped them over and all was fine. Now i'm buying a house (& needing the cash), i sold my Recaros to someone with a '55 plate R32 and took their leathers in part-ex. Not knowing that the looms were different!!

Good news on only needing one Kufatec, but as you say, if theres a way of splicing my existing seat looms into the existing vehicle loom that would be better.

Offline Cij84

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Re: Recaro > standard seats - Wiring nightmare - Help!!
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2013, 06:56:55 am »
Im sorry for causing such a ball ache mate, i had no idea of this.
Neil still hasnt even tried to wire up the seats to my car. I doubt he will if your having this much trouble.

I will be taking my car up to a mates to have him look at it when i get back. I know you were wanting rid of the car sooner, but this is the best i can do mate.
He will be able to shed some light on wiring it up if you havent already figured it out??
