I'd definitely agree with that Robin!
It just seems that there is no escaping 'celebrity culture'.
You pick up a paper and you have Jordan and Simon Cowell plastered all over it for some kind of blatant publicity nonsense.
The tv is more and more saturated by the notion of celebrity. Forgetting the reality programmes, you also have for example 'Victoria Wood's Nice Cup Of Tea'. Is it they can only sell it to us, if its endorsed by some celebrity? Then, they have guests on such as Morrisey and Dr Who to tell us about how to drink a cup of tea...

Now, even on the BBC, instead of reporting that there will be a funeral attended by 2000 invited guests. They had to report that celebrities such as.... will also be attending (and then showing their photos on screen). Just seems totally un-necessary to me.
Sorry, I'm just having a rant.
Robin, if you could post one of your 'lady pictures' to cheer me up, it would be very much appreciated. I won't even mind if it was of a celebrity...