General > Detailing
Scratched Roof....Now with Pictures.
matt a:
humm.... don't think so.
Anyone with some detailing skills, want to earn some money?
if its not deep enough to feel with a finger nail, theres a good chance it can be removed.
shame your quite a way from me,
It looks like it has just scratched the surface ie clearcoat. With a bit of polishing it will come right.
Matt- Unfortunately Im in SA so cant help out but its not needed to go the full hog unless you want the whole car done and protected. Which may be a good idea in the current UK weather.
Try this:
Get yourself a microfibre cloth or two and some Megs Tech 2.0 Polish (Blue, Veedub etc please give me the correct product... I only know what its called here in SA). It should come with a applicator. Apply some on the applicator and rub it along the scratches. Obviously clean the roof before doing this.
Then slowly focusing on small areas at a time rub harder and harder. Finish it off with a coat or two of Bilt Hamber Auto balm. In fact the Bilt Hamber alone should clear that up as it fills swirls and protects. Please be aware that some elbow grease is needed.
Im sure Blue etc will come along soon to help you out with the right products to use.
im pretty sure you will get nowhere near that scratch without a machine polish
Well. Without seeing the scratch and having done most of my cars by hand before getting a machine there is a lot that can be done without the use of a machine polisher.
Some good effort. And the right products will give a good result. But I do agree that if you are going to use a machine polisher to remove the scratch then you might as well pay for the entire car to be prepped and corrected.
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