Had a dig round and found these....
These are Brembo -11 castings which have been CNC'd drilled into the Vanes so not hotspots hence hence the curved pattern.
I honestly forgot I had them

The -11's come with painted bells and edges courtesy of Brembo, the wear indicator, theyre also a higher carbon content and surpass OEm quality levels (according to the side of the box)
The pillar vane design is a lot lighter than standard discss too
You can do a search on here for drilled v grooved and amuse yourself all afternoon if you wish but you dont see many race cars with plain discs do you?
If you're doing track days then generally drilled isnt the way to go, depending on what pads you're using grooved isnt the way to go either. Seen DS2500 flattened in 8000 miles on a commuting TT with the tarox cheesegraters fitted
These were £250.....£200 buys them plus posting if anybodys interested