I live on a road where,to my misfortune,I have the omly house without offroad parking.Therefore,my car and the Missus car have to stay parked out on the street,just outside my gate.
It's also a main road in and out of the town,but reasonably quiet at weekends,butI'm fed up to the back teeth with Subaru Impreza's,sh*troen Saxo's and any old sh*t car really,that has been fitted with a low,bassy rumbling exhaust.Include racebikes with sportcans and the old Harley style cruisers in that too.
The reason?
These fekers keep going past and setting off the alarm on my Golf.
It happened at around 11pm last night and again this morning.It doesn't seem to happen all the time either as buses and lorries dont do it.
I think it's got something to do with the settled weather and high pressure we're experiencing just now.somehow making the vibrations from certain exhaust notes more noticeable to the alarm sensors?
It's still bloody annoying though.
And before anyone mentions it,I know theres a switch to turn off the internal sensors,but I just park up,get out and never think of pushing that wee button......

Feel better for that!