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Author Topic: Looking at buying Pioneer sph-da100  (Read 1553 times)

Offline Whiskyboys

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Looking at buying Pioneer sph-da100
« on: April 09, 2013, 07:46:47 pm »
Im been looking at the pioneer sph-da100 and was wondering if anyone has one and if so are they easy to fit into a MK5

Any advise appreciated

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Re: Looking at buying Pioneer sph-da100
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2013, 01:34:12 pm »
An installer fitted my Pioneer AVH-8400BT.  It didn't seem to take him long.

I've since taken it out (and put it back) to replace the iPhone lead that goes from the back of the unit, behind the console and pops out in the glovebox.  It took me a while, but that's because of the amount of trim you have to remove, and this would be the same with any head unit in a MK5.  If I'm able to do it, anyone can - I just followed a guide I found on YouTube.

The only thing I'd say about the SPH-DA100 is that I don't think it has a removable front panel.  With the amount of thefts of people's systems I'm reading about on here, I'd seriously consider something like the AVH-X8500BT.
Edition 30 - Reflex Silver - No. 1741.  Revo Stage 1, Forge DV, Sachs clutch, SuperPro Anti-Lift Kit, Pioneer AVH-8400BT, GoPoint and DashCommand.

Offline Whiskyboys

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Re: Looking at buying Pioneer sph-da100
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2013, 07:45:54 pm »
I'll take a look at that one.
Taking the front of would be a good idea as you said with all the thefts.
Is the navigation app on there any good

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Re: Looking at buying Pioneer sph-da100
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2013, 12:56:31 am »
The only navigation app I've used with it is Waze.  It's free, so that makes it 100x better than the NavGate ones Pioneer flog for £80.  Try Waze for your phone to see if you get on with it...if you do, it's pretty much the same on the HU, bar one or two interface issues.  There was a real low point recently where you couldn't enter an address on the head unit, but Waze have at least one dedicated beta tester for the Pioneer units now, so that kind of cock-up should be a thing of the past.

As with anything, try before you buy.  My experience with the radio has been usually good, with one or two frustrations.  Some of those were caused by a faulty cable, some of them by dodgy updates.  When it works, which to be fair is 99% of the time, it's a good unit.  Sound-wise, it's way ahead of the RCD-300 it replaced, and the novelty of being able to run a browser or something like DashCommand is worth the occasional glitch.
Edition 30 - Reflex Silver - No. 1741.  Revo Stage 1, Forge DV, Sachs clutch, SuperPro Anti-Lift Kit, Pioneer AVH-8400BT, GoPoint and DashCommand.