Get the car plugged in and see if there are any faults stored in the mechatronics.
I Sent this to vRSAlex and PDT - but any other input would be great.
So today i used my VAG-COM to perform what i believe to be the DSG Basic reset. (no faults showing before or after)
Ran through all the number like 62,63, 67, 69 etc....
The first section i tested ( number 61 - Engaged Calibration) made a bit of a thud / jerk like something that normal?
Also, the main symptoms seemed to be on the down-shift, the car feels really juddery when in auto going down from 3rd, 2nd and then really seems to delay going into and out of 1st.
Do you think my gearbox is on the way out? I have read some people say a full flash or re-aligning "the plates" can help....
So lost right now

Any help would be great.