i just fancy the 2 32gb sd card slots tbh. Did you code it or did it just work. Someone is selling them in Manchester who fits and supplies for £400 but I'm well aware there is a massive theft problem with these units. 30 secs to remove is just stupid. Do phone controls come up on unit and are directions all on the dash display?
TBH I skipped the coding at first and it all worked, then tinkering with VCDS afterwards highlighted a few errors but nothing that stopped the function of any of the bits I use (most of it, tbh!).
Yeah personally fella I wouldn't go near anything like that in Manchester, but ETTO if you have a very reliable recommendation or similar.
No idea in honesty as I don't use the inbuilt bluetooth stuff, I've got an eBay £20 hands free universal unit which does me nicely.
The Nav directions appear in the DIS as well as the RNS display, yar