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Author Topic: random question  (Read 5930 times)

Offline Gene Hunt

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Re: random question
« Reply #15 on: July 30, 2009, 09:25:00 am »
Those little car type extinguisher's are a waste of time for a car fire, :grin: you might as well piss on it.I was a retained firefighter for 10 years & when a car starts to burn it needs more than one of those.
ED35. Standard factory condition.

Offline RedRobin

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Re: random question
« Reply #16 on: July 30, 2009, 09:30:16 am »
Cheers, Gene :drinking: - That's good to know and I'll save my money.

The guy who reupholstered my Recaros is an on-call firefighter and had to literally drop my job twice to answer emergencies.

Much respect to all the emergency services.

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Re: random question
« Reply #17 on: July 30, 2009, 10:58:30 am »
I keep a wee dc powered compressor there due to the fact that Air is seldom availiable in local garages.

Amazing number of times that this has actually been used! top ups, footballs, bikes.....rubber dolls....

Offline DanoGTI

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Re: random question
« Reply #18 on: July 30, 2009, 12:03:04 pm »
I also carry a sleeping bag, self-inflatable mat and blanket - Very useful when I need to use a friend's floor for an overnight as it minimises their inconvenience and so I don't sh!t in their guest bed.

Coffee/monitor.......... :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

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The fine art of diplomacy is telling somebody to "fcuk off" in such a way that they actually look forward to the journey....

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Re: random question
« Reply #19 on: July 30, 2009, 01:13:07 pm »
Glad someone found that buried away in my text :evilgrin:

Have you ever heard/seen Billy Connolly talking about using a bit of Marmite in a hotel bedroom and staff reaction? - Hysterically funny!


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Offline DanoGTI

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Re: random question
« Reply #20 on: July 30, 2009, 02:23:55 pm »
Yes Robin, one of my favourite comedians! :grin:

DA Productions

The fine art of diplomacy is telling somebody to "fcuk off" in such a way that they actually look forward to the journey....

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Re: random question
« Reply #21 on: July 30, 2009, 10:10:37 pm »

I just carry my triangle kit loose in the boot together with a high-vis waistcoat (I have to go on airfields occasionally). I keep oil top-up in that side strap thingy and also carry screenwash and a bag with quick detailer and cloths etc for glass cleaning and removing bird poo. I also carry a sleeping bag, self-inflatable mat and blanket - Very useful when I need to use a friend's floor for an overnight as it minimises their inconvenience and so I don't sh!t in their guest bed. I had occasion to use my blanket, mat, sleeping bag on Saturday night to assist a mobile paramedic lady, so I was very pleased I keep them in the car. It made the difference as it was extremely important to keep the patient warm - But all that is another quite long story.

I don't carry spare bulbs or first aid kit but might now consider a fire extinguisher.

I use to carry my toilet and kitchen sink in the boot of my mk5....they do come in handy when one is caught out on a long journey, also very hand if you happen across a tramp which is often the case in Edinburgh as it has the highest ratio of tramp to millionaire anywhere in the UK, i can often be found washing, cleaning or watering the tramps of Edinburgh City.

I may look into the fire extinguisher now that its been mentioned as i once came across a tamp that was on fire and it would have been handy.  :innocent:

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Re: random question
« Reply #22 on: July 30, 2009, 10:17:24 pm »

I just carry my triangle kit loose in the boot together with a high-vis waistcoat (I have to go on airfields occasionally). I keep oil top-up in that side strap thingy and also carry screenwash and a bag with quick detailer and cloths etc for glass cleaning and removing bird poo. I also carry a sleeping bag, self-inflatable mat and blanket - Very useful when I need to use a friend's floor for an overnight as it minimises their inconvenience and so I don't sh!t in their guest bed. I had occasion to use my blanket, mat, sleeping bag on Saturday night to assist a mobile paramedic lady, so I was very pleased I keep them in the car. It made the difference as it was extremely important to keep the patient warm - But all that is another quite long story.

I don't carry spare bulbs or first aid kit but might now consider a fire extinguisher.

I use to carry my toilet and kitchen sink in the boot of my mk5....they do come in handy when one is caught out on a long journey, also very hand if you happen across a tramp which is often the case in Edinburgh as it has the highest ratio of tramp to millionaire anywhere in the UK, i can often be found washing, cleaning or watering the tramps of Edinburgh City.

I may look into the fire extinguisher now that its been mentioned as i once came across a tamp that was on fire and it would have been handy.  :innocent:

   :grin: :grin: :grin:

Offline keith

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Re: random question
« Reply #23 on: July 30, 2009, 10:25:31 pm »

I just carry my triangle kit loose in the boot together with a high-vis waistcoat (I have to go on airfields occasionally). I keep oil top-up in that side strap thingy and also carry screenwash and a bag with quick detailer and cloths etc for glass cleaning and removing bird poo. I also carry a sleeping bag, self-inflatable mat and blanket - Very useful when I need to use a friend's floor for an overnight as it minimises their inconvenience and so I don't sh!t in their guest bed. I had occasion to use my blanket, mat, sleeping bag on Saturday night to assist a mobile paramedic lady, so I was very pleased I keep them in the car. It made the difference as it was extremely important to keep the patient warm - But all that is another quite long story.

I don't carry spare bulbs or first aid kit but might now consider a fire extinguisher.

I use to carry my toilet and kitchen sink in the boot of my mk5....they do come in handy when one is caught out on a long journey, also very hand if you happen across a tramp which is often the case in Edinburgh as it has the highest ratio of tramp to millionaire anywhere in the UK, i can often be found washing, cleaning or watering the tramps of Edinburgh City.

I may look into the fire extinguisher now that its been mentioned as i once came across a tamp that was on fire and it would have been handy.  :innocent:

I can vouch for this the blighters are everywhere once while drinking in Bristo square i was caught short and hadto use the bushes where upon looking directly below me the was a comotion as it turned out i was  single fish'n on a tramp. oh how i laughed as o was chased down the road.

Offline RedRobin

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Re: random question
« Reply #24 on: July 30, 2009, 10:54:25 pm »
You lot can make as much fun of me as you like but the patient was rapidly losing blood pressure and was for a short time in grave danger -  It became an ambulance and hospital job - The patient was my daughter.

So, I am glad I always keep the items I listed in my boot and I would advise others to include a blanket at the very least.

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Offline cmdrfire

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Re: random question
« Reply #25 on: July 30, 2009, 11:13:00 pm »
You lot can make as much fun of me as you like but the patient was rapidly losing blood pressure and was for a short time in grave danger -  It became an ambulance and hospital job - The patient was my daughter.

So, I am glad I always keep the items I listed in my boot and I would advise others to include a blanket at the very least.

Jeez, I hope all's well Robin :/ is your daughter well on her way to recovery now? Thoughts are with you.

Offline RedRobin

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Re: random question
« Reply #26 on: July 30, 2009, 11:22:31 pm »
Thanks, Neo. Yes, she's now fully recovered - It happened last Saturday night. She seriously overdosed on alcohol - Very unlike her but now she knows. Spending the whole of Saturday night in A&E was quite an education - Most of the cases were alcohol related. I'm not at all angry with her but I'm still feeling very angry indeed towards the alcohol problems I see.

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Re: random question
« Reply #27 on: July 30, 2009, 11:24:47 pm »
Glad to hear she's ok Robin. A valuable lesson learnt and one which at one point or another we all go through.

Offline RedRobin

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Re: random question
« Reply #28 on: July 30, 2009, 11:31:29 pm »
Yes, if it had to happen (most of a bottle of vodka mixed with Coca-Cola so it crept up on her) it's better it happened closer to home than when she goes to Cardiff in September. Her friends have since told me that they also learnt by witnessing it.

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Offline Hurdy

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Re: random question
« Reply #29 on: July 31, 2009, 12:11:07 am »
Glad to hear your daughter is better now Robin :smiley: It just goes to show how a little forethought can go a long way in a situation like that.
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