been going on for years, and so the cover-ups will continue.
The Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) was a UK pro-paedophile activist group, founded in October 1974 and officially disbanded in 1984. The Paedophile Information Exchange and its founders were finally subject to criminal prosecution during the mid 1980’s, however the full extent of its influence has never been properly, openly, examined.
In January 2006 the Metropolitan Police Service Paedophile Unit finally arrested the last of its members on child pornography charges, with its then leader David Joy warned by his sentencing judge that his beliefs may preclude his ever being released from jail. This was ultimately squashed very quickly by the Blair Government when Operation Ore was in full swing by this time, an internatinal clamp down on paedophile internet sites which traced over 300 high profile figures in the UK.