The only real difference between the dbilas and the twintake, is that the forge has that extra filter gimmick attached to it. Both share the flaw of non oem maf housing size, unless forge have changed that since, as I lost interest in their product as they kept dragging their feet. August was a long time ago 
....Indeed, Forge usually take what seems like forever to release their products after first announcing them. They would say that they believe in very extensively testing them to their own satisfaction before launching and I have no reason to think that this is not the case.
Do you have any hard facts to support your view that the extra side filter is merely a gimmick? - It may be so but such a claim does deserve evidence.
Perhaps I should re-read the (long) ITG filter thread to re-acquaint myself with any discussions about MAF housing sizes but IIRC aren't ITG claiming to be one of the very few who use the same size as oem?
Whatever the strengths and weaknesses of the new Forge Twintercooler, to be fair I don't think we know enough about its performance yet, or at least I don't.