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Author Topic: forge twintake air intake available end Aug 09  (Read 99149 times)

Offline KRL

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Re: forge twintake air intake available end Aug 09
« Reply #285 on: November 09, 2009, 08:49:07 pm »
The only other CAI know that uses the correct Inner Diameter for the MAF housing (67mm) is the BSH True Seal intake.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2009, 08:55:13 pm by KRL »

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Re: forge twintake air intake available end Aug 09
« Reply #286 on: November 09, 2009, 08:53:28 pm »
...forge...and...dbilas....share similiar flaws.

What are the flaws? Don't have much knowledge on CAIs.

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Re: forge twintake air intake available end Aug 09
« Reply #287 on: November 09, 2009, 08:55:38 pm »

Granted I never to logging or detailed testing but ive never had trouble with my Dbilas.  Pretty certain I had gains over the
carbonio panel filter...

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Re: forge twintake air intake available end Aug 09
« Reply #288 on: November 09, 2009, 09:05:28 pm »
whats the MAF housing diameter for the EVOMS???

Offline Vick N

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Re: forge twintake air intake available end Aug 09
« Reply #289 on: November 09, 2009, 09:23:30 pm »
whats the MAF housing diameter for the EVOMS???

I might be miles off but I was talking to Regal today about there stage 2 and I am sure he said they replace the MAF with a 3" item.  :confused: :ashamed:

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Re: forge twintake air intake available end Aug 09
« Reply #290 on: November 09, 2009, 09:26:14 pm »
I might be miles off but I was talking to Regal today about there stage 2 and I am sure he said they replace the MAF with a 3" item.  :confused: :ashamed:

GIAC do a specialised map for the VF Engineering intake where they change the MAF tables to suit the diameter of the VF Engineering Intake's MAF housing so my guess would be that this is what Regal were referring to as they are a GIAC dealer.

Offline Vick N

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Re: forge twintake air intake available end Aug 09
« Reply #291 on: November 09, 2009, 09:28:34 pm »
I might be miles off but I was talking to Regal today about there stage 2 and I am sure he said they replace the MAF with a 3" item.  :confused: :ashamed:

GIAC do a specialised map for the VF Engineering intake where they change the MAF tables to suit the diameter of the VF Engineering Intake's MAF housing so my guess would be that this is what Regal were referring to as they are a GIAC dealer.

Thanks for clearing that up buddy  :smiley:

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Re: forge twintake air intake available end Aug 09
« Reply #292 on: November 09, 2009, 09:32:48 pm »
I might be miles off but I was talking to Regal today about there stage 2 and I am sure he said they replace the MAF with a 3" item.  :confused: :ashamed:

GIAC do a specialised map for the VF Engineering intake where they change the MAF tables to suit the diameter of the VF Engineering Intake's MAF housing so my guess would be that this is what Regal were referring to as they are a GIAC dealer.

This is correct, was just about to post the same.

The only real difference between the dbilas and the twintake, is that the forge has that extra filter gimmick attached to it. Both share the flaw of non oem maf housing size, unless forge have changed that since, as I lost interest in their product as they kept dragging their feet. August was a long time ago  :signLOL:

....Indeed, Forge usually take what seems like forever to release their products after first announcing them. They would say that they believe in very extensively testing them to their own satisfaction before launching and I have no reason to think that this is not the case.

Do you have any hard facts to support your view that the extra side filter is merely a gimmick? - It may be so but such a claim does deserve evidence.

That sounds so similiar to what they were saying about their first CAI, when people were criticising forge for where the cone was positioned. It just seems all a bit contradictory to what they have said before.

Im not good enough at maths and science to tell you why its flawed, but going by what I have read about the twintake, it makes sense to me.

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Re: forge twintake air intake available end Aug 09
« Reply #293 on: November 09, 2009, 10:54:19 pm »

Im not good enough at maths and science to tell you why its flawed, but going by what I have read about the twintake, it makes sense to me.

....Do you have any links to what you have read about the twintake, please?

I'm not totally convinced yet about whether the extra 'side' intake adds a significant advantage but neither can I dismiss it yet - We need more information and evidence of its results. A Search in the forum across the pond may yield more info - I don't remember the exact detail but Mike @ Forge posted explanations.

Regarding the MAF housing size factor, it appears that either aftermarket intake products keep to the same size or it's accommodated via the remap? But either way, I don't think we hear of loads of failures due to aftermarket air intakes < I stand to be corrected.

I'll see if I can find Mike @ Forge's post and copy it here.

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Re: forge twintake air intake available end Aug 09
« Reply #294 on: November 09, 2009, 11:06:36 pm »
Found something already - Quoted from Mike @ Forge (USA) : -

"The incorporation of a second filter doesn't introduce more airflow volume. The 70mm piping, which is the max allowable for proper MAF calibration, will only flow a finite volume of air regardless of the number of filters used. Higher flowing air filters, however, provide for a reduction in effort required to draw air through them due to a decrease in flow restriction. A larger surface area through which airflow is introduced, provides for the least possible restriction in flow.

The main idea, though, is to create sealed inlets that allow for the introduction of the coolest ambient air possible.

Believe it or not, the addition of the second sealed inlet behind the headlight showed an increase in airflow and power over a single ram air design used previously on our Scirocco.

Just about 3 hp over stock with the single inlet, and an additional 10 hp moreso than that with the dual setup."

I'll keep reading and add any more info but what he's saying does make some sense imo.

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Re: forge twintake air intake available end Aug 09
« Reply #295 on: November 09, 2009, 11:32:50 pm »
see i dont get that, its taken this long for the intake folk to work out the available filter area was a limitation?
3 bhp for 1 inlet , or 13 bhp for both is a huge difference!
wonder if that is specific to the type of filters used for the twintake , or applies to others as well???

great info RR  :happy2:
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Re: forge twintake air intake available end Aug 09
« Reply #296 on: November 09, 2009, 11:56:56 pm »

I also picked up the suggestion by someone non-Forge : -

"You have to look at it as there is now less load or restriction per filter so in my mind it may reduce the N75 duty cycle making the turbo have to work less sucking in that air from outside. I do love the bolted completely sealed intake air tract though. Only fresh air hitting the filters this is pretty much the only true ram air style intake."

Also, according to Mike @ Forge : -

- All pipes will be powdercoated BLACK - all polished pipes shown to date have been prototypes or the initial pre-production run of 10 kits.

- The logos will no longer be rivetted to the cannisters - they will be stickers that you can affix yourself.

I have to say that I'm warming to this intake.

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Re: forge twintake air intake available end Aug 09
« Reply #297 on: November 10, 2009, 12:02:08 am »

see i dont get that, its taken this long for the intake folk to work out the available filter area was a limitation?

3 bhp for 1 inlet , or 13 bhp for both is a huge difference!
wonder if that is specific to the type of filters used for the twintake , or applies to others as well???

....I think the intake folk knew already but none of them, until Forge, had worked out how to dramatically increase the filter area beyond a cone's surface area versus a panel filter's surface area (restricted by the oem airbox).

Sometimes those simple and obvious solutions are the best. The penny has suddenly dropped in my mind about having two filters - It's not the quantity but the increased total area.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2009, 01:46:36 am by RedRobin »

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Re: forge twintake air intake available end Aug 09
« Reply #298 on: November 10, 2009, 12:36:55 am »

see i dont get that, its taken this long for the intake folk to work out the available filter area was a limitation?

3 bhp for 1 inlet , or 13 bhp for both is a huge difference!
wonder if that is specific to the type of filters used for the twintake , or applies to others as well???

....I think they knew already but hadn't worked out how to dramatically increase the filter area beyond a cone's surface area versus a panel filter's surface area (restricted by the oem airbox).

Sometimes those simple and obvious solutions are the best. The penny has suddenly dropped in my mind about having two filters - It's not the quantity but the increased total area.


The twintake simply has the largest effective sealed filter area of any intake on the market as far as I understand it.. No matter what some people seem to think, it works, its been proved over and over and thats the end of it..

Buy one Robin, you wont regret it mate  :smiley:
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Re: forge twintake air intake available end Aug 09
« Reply #299 on: November 10, 2009, 08:32:55 am »
andy at ITG said the same, when it comes to filtering you its all about surface area, and the removal of hot air from the equation.  Andy even said the idea of the twintake is a very good concept and solves the problem. His only issue was he thought where the two filters merged in the pipework could be improved on in his mind. but that was his only issue with it

@ robin I reckon this is the filter for you, it looks the part, and IMO if its capable of supplying enough air to  jonnyc S3 which is prob around 240bhp more than your GTI, then it must give a good increase over the stock intake