Evenin' all.
I find it amusing that exactly one year to the day and 30,000 miles after getting my Ed30, the performance feels a bit off and this thread pops up ;) I swear the universe is trying to tell me something!
I did think it was that I'm getting 'used' to the APR remap, but then I realised that the shove in the back had gone. I have read about the diaphragm issues, so I was waiting for the time... My stealer is doing the usual "£60 for a diagnostic check" line, so I'm not inclined to chase down a replacement under warranty (only 10k until that's shot anyway!).
I'm considering a Forge item; I fitted a Forge DV to my Smart Roadster (
http://blog.leeblackwell.com/2008/04/fitting-dv-to-roadster.html) so my experience is that the hardware is fairly solid. Having mooched around on this 'ere forum, opinion seems to be divided with no clear winner between a Forge unit and a 'newer' (rev 'G'?) OEM part. I'm leaning towards paying more for the Forge in a fit and forget kinda way (well, notwithstanding giving it a clean/lube every year). Oh, and as I'm fundamentally lazy, I'll likely get a local VAG tweakin' firm to fit - any suggestions near Milton Keynes?
Er, that is all.
