General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box
Minimum search length
Can this be turned off please? It makes the search absolutely useless for certain terms....
p.s. the search term I'm searching for is NOT "DV" :signLOL:
We struggle with server load as it is so given most people will still search for DV it's not something I am going to consider changing at this time.
Rich single letter searches are just not necessary. :P
Ok... no probs... but it does render it a bit useless.... Cant you just block the term DV :smiley:
For instance... even searching H&R doesnt work :stupid:
--- Quote from: richwig83 on April 22, 2013, 03:31:44 pm ---Ok... no probs... but it does render it a bit useless.... Cant you just block the term DV :smiley:
For instance... even searching H&R doesnt work :stupid:
--- End quote ---
I found the same problem as Rich
H&R doesnt work
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