General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box

Minimum search length

(1/3) > >>

Can this be turned off please? It makes the search absolutely useless for certain terms....


p.s.   the search term I'm searching for is NOT "DV"   :signLOL:

We struggle with server load as it is so given most people will still search for DV it's not something I am going to consider changing at this time.

Rich single letter searches are just not necessary.  :P

Ok... no probs... but it does render it a bit useless.... Cant you just block the term DV  :smiley:

For instance... even searching H&R doesnt work   :stupid:


--- Quote from: richwig83 on April 22, 2013, 03:31:44 pm ---Ok... no probs... but it does render it a bit useless.... Cant you just block the term DV  :smiley:

For instance... even searching H&R doesnt work   :stupid:

--- End quote ---

I found the same problem as Rich

H&R doesnt work   


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