^^^^ love the Neuspeed's, great looking wheels. Looked at getting the RSe07's myself from AewsomeGTI.

I've also got the NQSBBK and have some BBS VZ's in 18"x8" ET 44 (cost £600 ish) and have at least 7-8mm of space between the caliper and wheel and look just like my BBS Pescara's but with a better stance IMO.
My other set (winter time) will either be the Team Dynamics Por race 1.2 18"x8" ET45 for around £600 or Speedline Turini's 18"x8" (offset from 15-48 available) for around £1k or maybe the aforementioned Nuespeed wheels, cost around £1k.
Or my dream wheels, the OZ Racing Alleggerita HLT Wheels, come in 18"x 7.5 or 18"x8" (offset from 25-75), cost £1.8k though.