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Wheres the cheapest/best place to watch the formula 1?

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Ive got a lot to spend money over the next couple of years, wedding, house and most importantly i have a MK5 to modify :evilgrin:

So i was wondering where is the best place to go and watch it that is affordable, as im assuming the tickets aren't the same price everywhere? Or shall i just stick to silverstone and do it in a few years time instead.

I'm sure Silverstone would come out cheaper after you factor in the travelling costs for the other locations.

Although that's an assumption as I've not done any research :ashamed:

I've done UK, Monza, Barcelona, Monaco and France.

Not been for a few years, but if you manage to get easy jet cheap flights, share accomodation and car hire with a few mates i found you could do monza for less than the cost of a good granstant ticket for silverstone.  Reason:  silverstone you NEED grandstand tickets in order to be able to see anything, where at Monza a "general entry" ticket is all you need - there are lots of great free viewing areas.

If you're smart about it you could also do Monaco pretty cheaply - share a car with some mates, kip in a tent somewhere in france and train-in to monte carlo for the race.  Would certainly be more fun that northampton!


Looking to do Spa this year with my dad and brother.

Tickets about @£300 each for grandstands
Euro tunnel: @£100 return
Hotels: @£40 a night (Etap, Belgium equivalant of Travelodge)
Petrol: couple of tanks (£140ish)
Food: £

But then spotted Nurbergring is very close, love to combine the two  :driver:

It all depends what you class as affordable,you can watch at silverstone for 145 quid which I have done,its okay but you have to watch from anywhere you find a space.
We went in a stand last year and also camped  :confused: I told everyone I'll never go again.
I looked at Valencia they do a stand seat for 45 quid but the flights and hotel factored in it might be too much.


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