Just had mine fitted today and took it out for a quick spin.
Initial impressions are very good. Over normal roads it’s almost identical if not smoother on the smooth roads.
Get it onto a B road where the roads are a bit rougher its not crashy but you can certainly feel the road a lot more through the car, mainly crevasses, mounds etc. All of which I was after.
The body roll seems to have been reduced significantly.
Its pissing it down at the minute so haven't had chance to push it to its limits but I'll certainly give it a good going over when it dries out.
As for ride height, it no longer looks like a 4x4, the fronts sitting almost flush and the rear has a slight gap, but the car looks very level, planted and a hell of a lot more aggressive.
I'm going to give it a few days to settle then get it all tracked up because its pulling ever so slightly to the left but thats expected

So overall impressions very good. Will crack a few pics up when a few other goodies have arrived hopefully tomorrow
