After getting my wheels refurbed and them turning out like this


I really need to get them done asap. Im going to buy myself a gun to go with my compressor and other needed bits to paint my wheels buttt, ive never done it before so i guess its about time i learn

Been eager to learn and get my own gear for a while and i think its something i wouldnt be too bad at once ive learned it.
So im going to be painting 4 18" monza alloy wheels in a gunmetal grey, the centre peice of my ed30 splitter and my mirror covers in the same colour. I will also be re-doing my splitter in black magic as its taken a beating from stone chips.
Now im wondering if you guys can give me any advice on any tips/techniques down to exactly what im going to need for the job.
So basically what type of paint to use, basecoat, solvent, waterbase etc
How much primer, paint, lacquer im going to need
A mate has reccomended i use something called rocket to speed up drying time is this good advice? Give me your knowledge

meanwhile im going to be busy researching, cheers